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Firey new branding for Ignix

After merging, Rimarbo and Bio Benelux were looking for one umbrella brand that would put them on the map in the fire safety sector. We decided to play with fire and provided the newly merged company with a new name, a new logo and a completely new corporate identity.


Our first focus was creating a new name that fully fits the brand. This became a contraction of the words "Ignis" Latin for "fire" and "nix" a millennial-approved spelling of the word "nothing”. So, if you translate ‘Ignix’ freely: No fire.


Visual identy
Logo design
Web design
Key visuals

Superkraft cases - Ignix - Ignix branding images

A compartmentalized logo 

A new name automatically brings along a new logo. We took inspiration from evacuation plans, modern architecture and the various compartments that make up buildings. The result? A deep red logo composed of different compartments in which the letters I and G, the first letters of the brand, are visible. The separated compartments visualize how fire solutions between rooms or buildings can avoid extensive damage.

Superkraft cases - Ignix - Ignix bag with logo
Superkraft cases - Ignix - Ignix branding leaflet

After deciding on all visual elements, we poured everything into a brand-new website with 3D images. These help you navigate the website and clearly explain some of the more complicated products. 


In 2023, we designed the label and packaging of Ignix’s exclusive home-brewed beer, Fenix. The red beer brought Ignix’s passion for fire compartments straight to the client’s glasses.

Superkraft cases - Ignix - Ignix branding - Fenix beer